
Sunday, June 15, 2008

butter reportin here!!

"TA-DA"...... ........... .....
this is my 1st post here..
my mind is like.........................

haha.. really duno how to start and what to start with.

i think im sort of "closed-up" person.

i can easily communicate with others but not my inner side..
there are many things that i couldnt really pour out easily.
there are always doubt in myself, defenses, inconfidence, worries.. etc..
haha..and as time goes by and as all of those trashes built up..

my heart weighs a thousand tonnes. and it's gettin harder and harder to
.just.... smile.

lately it's been quite a tough time for me

and some ppl close to me.

somehow i know i need to take some fresh breath of air,
stand up again, head straight, and move forward..
it's been miserable to flood myself with tears everyday for about 3 weeks..

(and im not a person who drinks enough of water everyday.. so picture the output which far greater than the input of fluid into my body.. haha)

.. anyway. hope my size would shrink abit too due to dehydration..haha.. crapz.

my special friend "J" suggest that i should learn to express myself, my thought, feelings wtc through bloggin.
i took his suggestion as a constuctive one..haha. so here i m ..

i'll try my best la.. i have many more to learn:)
so.. if u are somewhat reading this..dont just myob yea.. do kepo abit and leave me some comments.. so it reminds me to miss you as well..muahaha..


1 comment:

Anonymous said...
